The sin for which Christ reproved Chorazin and Bethsaida was the sin of rejecting evidence that would have convinced them of the truth, had they yielded to its power. The sin of the scribes and Pharisees was the sin of placing the heavenly work which had been wrought before them, in the darkness of unbelief, so that the evidence which should have led them into a settled faith was questioned, and the sacred things which should have been cherished were regarded as of no value. I fear that the people have permitted the enemy to work along these very lines, so that the good which emanated from God, the rich blessing which he has given, have come to be regarded by some as fanaticism. If this attitude is preserved, then when the Lord shall again let his light shine upon the people, they will turn from the heavenly illumination, saying, "I felt the same in 1893, and some in whom I have had confidence, said that the work was fanaticism." Will not those who have received the rich grace of God, and who take the position that the working of the Holy Spirit was fanaticism, be ready to denounce the operations of the Spirit of God in the future, and the heart thus be proof against the solicitations of the still, small voice? The love of Jesus may be presented to those who thus barricade themselves against it, and exercise no constraining power upon them. The riches of the grace of heaven may be bestowed and yet rejected, instead of being cherished and gratefully recognized. With the heart men did believe unto righteousness, and for a time confession was made unto salvation; but, sad to relate, the receiver did not cooperate with heavenly intelligences, and cherish the light by working the works of righteousness. By Mrs. E. G. White.

Review and Herald 6/02 1894

Blev der værnet om velsignelsen?

Det er synd at forkaste beviserne Jesus anklager byerne Korasin og Betsaida for at de forkastede fakta, som ville have overbevist dem om at have taget imod det. De skriftkloges og farisæernes synd bestod i at de nægtede at tro det de havde set. De beviser som skulle have styrket deres tro, blev forkastet og de hellige sandheder som de skulle have glædet sig over, blev regnet for værdiløse. Jeg er bange for at mange mennesker har tilladt fjenden at virke blandt dem, på samme måde, sådan at det gode fra Herren, den rige velsignelse han gav dem, er blevet set på som overspændthed og kun bygger på følelser. Hvis de holder fast på denne indstilling og Herren igen sender lys til sit folk, så vil de afvise det og sige: "Jeg følte det også sådan i 1893 og nogle som jeg havde tillid til, sagde at det var ekstase. "De som fik del i Guds riges nådegaver, men hævder at Den Hellige Ånds virksomhed bare var overspændthed og så forkaster Guds Ånds gerninger i fremtiden? Deres hjerter vil være lukket for Åndens stille stemme. De kan i den grad komme til at modsætte sig budskabet om Jesu kærlighed, så det ikke vil have nogen virkning på dem. Himmelens rige nåde kan blive givet og alligevel forkastes, istedet for at blive modtaget med taknemmelighed. Med hjertet troede mennesker at de blev retfærdige for Gud og en tid bekendte de med munden frelsen. Men det sørgelige var at de ikke samarbejdede med sendebudene fra himmelen. De satte ikke pris på lyset og gjorde ikke det som var rigtigt.

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