Here are brought plainly to view those who will be vessels unto honor; for they will receive the latter rain. Every soul that continues in sin in the face of the light now shining upon our pathway, will be blinded and accept the delusions of Satan. We are now nearing the close of this world's history. Where are the faithful watchmen on the walls of Zion, who will not slumber, but faithfully declare the time of night? Christ is coming to be admired in all them that believe. How painful it is to contemplate the fact that the Lord Jesus is being kept in the background. How few magnify his grace and exalt his infinite compassion and love. There will be no envy, no jealousy, in the hearts of those who seek to be like Jesus in character.

Review and Herald 19/03 1895

Fortæl om Guds handlinger igen.

Her vises tydeligt dem som være kar til ære; for de vil modtage sildigregnen. Enhver sjæl der fortsætter i synd, over for det lys der nu sikker på vor stivej, vil blive forblindede og antage Satans bedrag. Vi nærmer os nu afslutningen af denne verdens historie. Hvor er de trofaste vagtfolk på Zions mure, som ikke vil slumre, men trofast erklære tidspunktet for nat? Kristus kommer for at blive beundret af alle dem der tror. Hvor smerteligt er det ikke at se at Herren Jesus bliver holdt i baggrunden. Hvor få ophøjer hans nåde og ophøjer hans uendelige medfølelse og kærlighed. Der vil ikke være misundelse, jalousi, i deres hjerter som søger at være som Jesus i karakter.

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