I was shown that God's true people are the salt of the earth, and the light of the world. God requires of them continual advancement in the knowledge of the truth, and in the way holiness. Then will they understand the coming in of Satan, and in the strength of Jesus will resist him. Satan will call to his aid legions of his angels to oppose the advance of even one soul, and, if possible, wrest it from the hand of Christ.

Review and Herald 13/05 1862

Satans magt.

Jeg fik vist at Guds sande folk er jordens salt, og verdens lys. Gud forlanger en stadig vækst i sandhedskundskab, og vækst i hellighedens vej af dem. Så vil de forstå det når Satan kommer ind, og i Jesus styrke vil modstå ham. Satan vil kalde legioner af sine engle til sin hjælp, for at modsætte sig blot en sjæls vækst frem, og om mulig vriste ham ud af Kristi hånd.

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