So great has been the spiritual blindness of men, that they have sought to make of none effect the word of God. They have declared by their traditions, that the great plan of redemption was devised, in order to abolish, and make of none effect, the law of God; when Calvary is the mighty argument that proves the immutability of the precepts of Jehovah. The fact that God had to give his only begotten Son to die for a race condemned by the law, is sufficient to prove that the law could not be altered one jot or tittle. The professed Christian world is indeed in need of eyesalve, that they may see the character of God and his law. Their prayer should be as was David's of old, "Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law."

Review and Herald 24/07 1888

Hvor står vi?

Så stor har menneskers forblindelse været, at de har prøvet at gøre Guds ord til intet. De har gennem deres overleveringer erklæret, at den store frelses plan blev opfundet for at nedbryde Guds lov og gøre den ugyldig, når dog Golgata er det vældige bevis for Guds lovs uforanderlighed. Kendsgerningen at Gud skulle give sin enbårne søn i døden for en slægt fordømt af loven, er tilstrækkeligt bevis på at loven ikke kunne ændres en tøddel. Den bekendende kristenverden har faktisk brug for øjn salve, så de kan se Guds karakter i hans lov. Deres bøn bør være ligesom gamle Davids var: "Oplad mine øjne, at jeg må skue de underfulde ting i din lov."

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