God has set a price on the souls of men. He says, "I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir." Now if a man is so precious in the sight of God, how should he stand in the estimation of his fellow men? Is Jesus ashamed of us today, because we are so far from representing him to the world? Is he ashamed to call us brethren, because we are seeking our own glory, instead of the glory of God? God has done so much for us. What are we doing for Christ, and for each other?

Review and Herald 28/08 1888

Behovet for kærlighed.

Gud har sat et pris på menneskenes sjæle. Han siger: "En mand gør jeg sjældnere end guld og et menneske end ofirs guld." Hvis et menneske er så dyrebart i Guds øjne, hvordan bør han så vurderes af sine medmennesker? Er Jesus så meget til skamme i dag, fordi vi langt fra fremviser ham for verden? Er han til skamme at kalde os brødre, fordi vi søger vor egen ære, i stedet for Guds ære? Gud har gjort så meget for os. Hvad gør vi for Kristus, og for hinanden?

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