If you do not work the works of Christ, there will be those who will rise up in that decisive day to condemn you. The psalmist asks, "Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell in thy holy hill? He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart. He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbor, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbor." When anyone comes to you with a tale about your neighbor, you should refuse to hear it. You should say to him, "Have you spoken of this matter to the individual concerned? If he has not done so, tell him he should obey the Bible rule, and go first to his brother, and tell him his fault privately, and in love. If the directions of God were carried out, the floodgates of gossip would be closed.

Review and Herald 28/08 1888

Behovet for kærlighed.

Hvis du ikke udvirker Kristi gerninger, vil der være dem som rejser sig op på afgørelsens dag og fordømmer dig. Salmisten svarer: "Herre, hvo kan gæste dit telt, hvo kan bo på dit hellige bjerg? Den, som vandrer fuldkomment og øver ret, taler sandhed af sit hjerte; ikke bagtaler med sin tunge, ikke volder sin næste ondt og ej bringer skam over ven." Når nogen kommer til dig med en efterretning om din ven, bør du afvise at høre det. Du bør sige til ham: "Har du sagt dette til ham selv? Hvis han ikke har gjort det, så sig til ham at han bør adlyde bibelens regel, og først gå til sin bror, og fortælle ham hans fejl under fire øjne, og i kærlighed. Hvis Guds anvisninger blev gennemført, vil sladderens vandskodder være lukkede.

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