When your brethren and neighbors come in to see you, talk of the wonderful love of Jesus. Rejoice in his intercession for lost man. Tell your friends of the love that you have for their souls, because they are the purchase of the blood of Christ. God forbid that we should make the pathway of other weary travelers harder by magnifying their errors, and by sitting in judgment upon their actions. God help us, that we may speak words of comfort and hope and courage to cheer the life of the lonely, and discouraged, and erring. Let us be likeminded one toward another, and not differ in opinion, merely for the sake of being on the opposite side from our brother. Throw all the sunlight you possibly can, into the pathway of others. It will be dark enough for them, even if you do this; for Satan presses his darkness upon every soul. Let the beams of the Sun of Righteousness shine upon your fellow pilgrims, that they may rejoice in the Lord. This you can do in your home missionary work, in your neighborhood missionary work, and in your church missionary work. Let your light shine forth in such clear, steady rays, that no man may stand up in the judgment, and say, "Why did not you tell me about this truth? Why did you not care for my soul? Why did you love the world and its amusements so much, that you impressed me with the thought that they could not be wrong? Why did you not walk in the path cast up for the ransomed of the Lord to walk in, and make straight paths for your feet? You knew that we were in darkness, and your crooked steps have led us on into utter ruin."

Review and Herald 28/08 1888

Behovet for kærlighed.

Når eders søskende og naboer kommer ind at besøge eder, så tal til dem om Jesu vidunderlige kærlighed. Glæd og fryd eder over, hvad han har gjort for det faldne menneske. Fortæl eders venner, at I elsker deres sjæle, fordi de er købte med Kristi blod. Gud forbyde, at vi skulde gøre andre trætte vandreres vej tungere ved at forstørre deres fejl og gøre os til dommere over deres adfærd. Gud hjælpe os til at tale ord fulde af trøst, håb og mod og derved opmuntre ensomme, modløse og fejlende. Lad os være ens sindede og ikke have forskellig mening fra vore brødre alene for at være modsat dem. Kast alt det lys, I på nogen måde kan, på andres sti. Det vil blive mørkt og hårdt nok for dem endda; thi satan søger at indhylle hver en sjæl i mørke. Lad retfærdighedens sols stråler skinne på eders medvandrere, så at de må glæde sig i Herren. Dette kan I gøre ved missionsarbejde i eders hjem, naboskab og i den menighed, til hvilken I hører. Lad eders lys bestandig skinne frem i sådanne klare, stadige stråler, så at intet menneske kan stå op i dommen og sige: "Hvorfor fortalte du mig ikke om denne sandhed? Hvorfor drog du ingen omsorg for min sjæl? Hvorfor elskede du verden med dens glæder så meget, at jeg fik det indtryk, at de var rette for os at nyde? Hvorfor vandrede du ikke på den sti, der var opkastet for Herrens forløste? Du vidste, at vi sad i mørke, og dine krogede veje har ledet os til yderlig ødelæggelse."

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