Should God save men in disobedience, after granting them a second probation, putting them to the test in this life, they would fail to regard his authority in the future life. Those who are disloyal to Christ in this world would be disloyal to him in the world to come, and would create a second rebellion in heaven. Men have the history of Adam's disobedience and fall before them, and because of this they should be warned against venturing to transgress the law of God. Jesus Christ has died in order that all men may have a chance to make their calling and election sure; but the standard of righteousness in this gospel age is no less than it was in the days of Adam, and heaven will be the reward of obedience.

Review and Herald 28/09 1897

Forkynd ordet

Skulle Gud frelse mennesker i ulydighed, efter at have tilstået dem en anden prøvetid, sat dem på prøve i dette liv, ville de svigte over for det fremtidige livs autoritet. Dem som er illoyale over for Kristus i denne verden vil være illoyal over for ham i den kommende verden, og vil skabe et andet ophør i himmelen. Mennesket vil få historien om adams ulydighed og fald for sig, på grund af dette vil de advares mod at overtræde Guds lov. Jesus Kristus dødde for at alle mennesker kunne få en chance for at gøre deres kald og udvælgelse visselig; men retfærdighedens standard i denne evangeliske tidsalder er ikke mindre end den var i Adams dage, og himlen vil være lønnen for lydighed.

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