Ministers who are teaching Bible truths for this time are bearing to the people a message of a most solemn character, and they need to discipline the mind in order that they may comprehend the grand theme of redemption. They should understand from what man is to be redeemed, and how he is to be brought back to the paradise of God. It was through disobedience that men fell; but will continued disobedience make him acceptable to God? Will continual transgression make him a fit subject of heaven? Let ministers preach the word of God. "I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine." Ministers are not to preach men's opinions, not to relate anecdotes, get up theatrical performances, not to exhibit self; but as though they were in the presence of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, they are to preach the word. Let them not bring levity into the work of the ministry, but let them preach the word in a manner that will leave a most solemn impression upon those who hear. Let them not present their own ideas and fanciful notions as God's word, but let them present the pure word of God, in all sincerity.

Review and Herald 28/09 1897

Forkynd ordet

Prædikanter, der forkynder bibelske sandheder i vor tid, bærer et yderst alvorligt budskab til mennesker, og de har brug for at disciplinere sindet for at de kan forstå frelsens store tema. De må forstå, hvad det er mennesker skal genløses fra, og hvordan de kan bringes tilbage til Guds paradis. Ulydighed var årsagen til menneskets fald; og fortsat ulydighed kan vel næppe gøre ham antagelig for Gud! Kan fortsat overtrædelse gøre ham skikket for Himlen? Lad prædikanterne forkynde Guds ord. "Prædik ordet, stå frem i tide og utide, overbevis, irettesæt, forman, tålmodigt og med stadig undervisning" (2 Tim 4,2). Prædikanterne skal ikke forkynde menneskers meninger, fortælle historier eller vise dramatisk talent; men de skal agere som de stod for Guds og Herrens åsyn. De skal prædike ordet. Lad dem ikke vise letsindighed i deres tjeneste, men lad dem forkynde ordet på en måde, som gør et alvorligt indtryk på dem, der lytter. Lad dem ikke fremsætte egne tanker og fantasifulde kommentarer, som var det Guds ord, men lad dem præsentere det rene Guds ord med al alvor.

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