God justly condemns all who do not make Christ their personal Saviour; but he pardons every soul who comes to him in faith, and enables him to work the works of God, and through faith to be one with Christ. Jesus says of these, "I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one [this unity brings perfection of character]; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me." The Lord has made every provision whereby man may have full and free salvation, and be complete in him. God designs that his children shall have the bright beams of the Sun of righteousness, that all may have the light of truth. God has provided salvation for the world at infinite cost, even through the gift of his only begotten Son. The apostle asks, "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" Then if we are not saved, the fault will not be on the part of God, but on our part, that we have failed to cooperate with the divine agencies. Our will has not coincided with God's will.

Review and Herald 1/11 1892

Nødvendigt at samarbejde med Gud. (konkluderet)

Med rette vil Gud fordømme alle som ikke tager imod Kristus som deres personlige frelser, men han tilgiver alle som kommer til ham i tro og han sætter dem i stand til at gøre Guds gerning og ved tro blive et med Kristus. Jesus siger om dem: "Jeg i dem og du i mig, for at de fuldt ud skal blive ét, for at verden skal forstå, at du har udsendt mig og har elsket dem, som du har elsket mig." (Joh 17,23). Denne enhed gør karakteren fuldkommen. Herren har lagt alt til rette for menneskers fulde og frie frelse og for at de kan være fuldkomne i ham. Gud vil at hans folk skal modtage strålerne fra retfærdighedens sol, for at alle skal have sandhedens lys. For en uendelig pris har Gud sørget for verdens frelse ved at give sin enbårne Søn. Apostlen stiller dette spørgsmål: "Han som ikke sparede sin egen Søn, men gav hav hen for os alle, vil han ikke med ham skænke os alt?" (Rom 8,32). Hvis vi ikke bliver frelst, vil det ikke være Guds fejl, men vor egen, fordi vi ikke har samarbejdet med himmelen. Vor vilje har ikke været i overensstemmelse med Guds vilje.

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