This is the argument that he employs concerning God's people in all ages. He pleads their sinfulness as the reason why Christ's restraining power should not hold him back from exercising his cruelty upon them to its fullest extent. But to the accuser of his people the Saviour says, "The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan; . . . is not this a brand plucked out of the fire? Have I not thrust my own hand into the fire to gather this brand from the burning?"

Review and Herald 19/11 1908

Beredelse for Himlen

Dette argument har han brugt om Guds folk til alle tider. Han beder om deres syndighed som grund for at Kristi begrænsende kraft ikke tilbageholder ham fra udøve sin grusomhed over dem, i fuldt omfang. Men Frelseren siger til folkenes anklager: ”Herren true dig, O Satan; . . . . Er denne ikke en brand, som er reddet i ilden? Har jeg ikke rakt min egen hånd ud imod ilden for at denne brand ikke skal brænde?”

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