God is working for his people, that they may not be left in darkness. He would have us anoint our eyes with eyesalve, that we may discern between the workings of the powers of darkness and the movings of the Spirit of God. We must not give our attention to unimportant things; we need to become acquainted with the Scriptures as we have never done before. They are the rock upon which we are to stand, for everything that is revealed is for us and for our children. We can study the Bible, and understand the fulfillment of prophecy, and everything that has to do with the law of God, and Christ's sacrifice in connection with the law of God; and we can, as did Paul, go from house to house, teaching repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. Why repentance toward God?--Because the sinner has broken God's law, and he must repent and come back to obedience of it. He is to show to the world that there is a moral law which is the great standard of righteousness, and that Satan would break it down, if possible, and have man erect a standard of his own. God's word is sure standing fast forever; and as we look into that mirror, we see the defects of our characters. Will any stand before God's mirror, and because it shows them their defects, say that it is not true? We should not, as soon as our defects are pointed out, go away and forget what manner of persons we are; we must plead the blood of a crucified and risen Saviour by living faith, that pardon may be written opposite our names. We must wash our robes of character, and make them white in the blood of the Lamb.

Review and Herald 18/12 1888

Davids Bøn

Gud arbejder for sit folk, så de ikke efterlades i mørke. Han vil have at vi salver vore øjne med øjen-salve, så vi kan skelne imellem mørkets kræfters virke og Guds Ånds bevægelser. Vi må ikke give opmærksomhed til uvæsentlige ting; vi behøver at blive kendt med Skrifterne som aldrig før. De er den klippe som vi skal stå fast på, for alt som er åbenbaret er til os og vore børn. Vi kan studere bibelen, og forstå opfyldelsen af profetien, og alt som har at gøre med Guds lov, og Kristi offer i forbindelse med Guds lov, og vi kan, ligesom Paulus, gå fra dør til dør, lære anger imod Gud, og tro imod vor Herre Jesus Kristus. Hvorfor angre imod Gud? - Fordi synderen har brudt Guds lov, og han må angre og komme tilbage for at adlyde den. Han skal vise verden at der er en morallov som er den største standard for retfærdighed, og at Satan vil bryde den ned, om muligt, om få mennesker til at rejse sin egen standard. Guds ord står sikkert fast for evigt; og ligesom vi ser i et spejl, ser vi vor karaktermangler. Vil nogen stå frem for Guds spejl, og fordi det viser dem deres mangler, sige de da det ikke er sandt? Vi bør ikke, ligeså snart som vor mangler udpeget, gå bort og glemme hvilken slags person vi er; og vi må bede om en korsfæstet og opstået Frelsers blod i levende tro, så tilgivelse kan skrives over for vore navne. Vi må vaske vore karakterklæder, og gøre dem hvide i Lammets blod.

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