Eternity demands of you individually a solid experience, such as will stand the test; and it is in this probationary period that you must obtain thorough transformation of character. Pure and undefiled religion is to be brought into the sanctuary of the soul. Each has a work to do, and no friend or minister can do it for him; each must repent for himself, and confess his sins to God. Make thorough work of it. Believe for yourself; have the grace of God in your heart for yourself. God will have his true, faithful witnesses in every walk of life, testifying to the power of his grace. They may be humble, but they will be living in the sunshine of God's countenance, with the Bible as their guide.

Review and Herald 18/12 1888

Vor taknemmelighedsgæld og forpligtelser

Evigheden er nær, og enhver af jer behøver en grundig erfaring for at kunne bestå i prøven. Og vort sind må forandres nu, medens prøvens tid varer. En ren og ubesmittet gudsdyrkelse må indføres i sjælen. Enhver har et værk at udrette, som ingen ven eller prædikant kan udføre for ham. Enhver må omvende sig til Herren og bekende sine egne synder. Se til, at din kristendom bliver dyb. Tro for dig selv. Hav Guds nåde i din egen sjæl for dig selv. Gud vil, at hans sande venner i livets forskellige stillinger skal bære vidne om hans nådes magt. Selv om de er ringe, så kan de dog leve i Guds ansigts lys, og hans ord kan være deres ledsager.

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