God said to Adam, "Thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Satan came, and with specious words presented an enticing temptation. He argued that they were in bondage through the prohibition to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that they should be as gods if they would but eat, and he denied the positive statement of God, that they should surely die if they partook of the fruit. The same arguments are used now by all who trample upon the law of God. "Obedience is bondage," men declare, and disobedience is freedom, such as they could never realize under the restrictions of the law. Men are flattered in their course of sin, to believe that they are rising in the scale of greatness, as Satan flattered Adam and Eve to believe they would be as gods if they would but disregard the commandment of their Creator. How many are reiterating his statements while they profess to be sinless!

The Signs of the Times 15/12 1887

Nødvendigheden af tro og lydighed

Gud sagde til Adam: "Den dag du spiser deraf, skal du visselig dø". Satan kom, og med sleske ord præsenterede han en lokkende fristelse. Han påstod, at de var i slaveri, fordi de ikke måtte spise af Kundskabens træ, at de ville blive som guder, hvis de blot ville spise og han fornægtede Guds udtrykkelige udtalelse, at de skulle dø, hvis de spiste af frugten. De samme argumenter bliver brugt i dag, af alle der nedtramper Guds lov. "Lydighed er trældom", siger mennesker, og ulydighed er en frihed, som de aldrig ville kunne opleve under lovens restriktioner. Mennesker smigrer sig selv i deres syndefulde kurs, til at tro, at de bliver opløftede til et højere stade af storhed, præcis som Satan smigrede Adam og Eva til at tro, at de ville blive som guder hvis de blot ville overtræde deres Skabers Bud. Mange gentager hans udtalelser, medens de siger, at de ikke har synd.

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